Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry, lectures given at the Jorge Andre Swieca Summer School, Campos de Jordao (Brazil), February 2019
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry,
lectures given at the Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, October
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry,
lecture series given at the Universidad de Antofagasta (Chile), March 2018
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry,
lecture series given at the Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna (Austria),
January 2018
Applied Newton-Cartan Geometry,
three lectures given at the Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University (Japan),
September 2017
Non-relativistic Limits and
Massive Gravity, presentation given at the Ninth Aegean Summer School Einstein's
Theory of Gravity and its Modifications: from Theory to Observations, Sifnos
(Greece), September 2017
Massive Gravity and Gravitational
Waves, lecture given at the “Eighth Aegean Summer School” Gravitational Waves:
from Theory to Observations, Rethymnon (Greece), June 2015
Topologically Massive and Critical Gravity, lecture given at the “Seventh Aegean Summer School” Beyond Einstein’s Theory of Gravity, Paros (Greece), September 2013
Massive Gravity, lectures given at the Cargèse Summer School, Cargèse (France), June 2012
Massive Gravity, lectures given at the “Sixth Aegean Summer School” Quantum Gravity and Cosmology, Naxos (Greece), September 2011
Introduction to Supersymmetry, lectures given at the Graduate School (AIO/OIO) Theoretical High Energy Physics, Driebergen-Rijsenburg (The Netherlands), February 2009
lectures given for high school children in the framework of the “Keuzecollege Technasium” Klein, Kleiner, Grootste!, November - December 2008, Groningen
Supergravity and Branes, lecture course given in Valencia (Spain), March 2006
Supergravity and Branes, lecture course given in Granada (Spain), March 2006
Brane Solutions of Gravity dilaton/axion Sytems, pedagogical lecture given at the conference Post-Strings 2004, Durham (United Kingdom), July 5-10, 2004
Brane-Lösungen in Gravitationstheorien, 4 lectures given at the 9th Heraeus-Doktorandenschule “Saalburg” Grundlagen und Neue Methoden der Theoretischen Physik, Seifhennersdorf, Sachsen (Germany), September 2003
Brane Solutions in Supergravity and String Theory, 4 lectures given at the string school Advanced Topics in String Theory in Halle (Germany), September 2001
Strings and Branes, lectures given in Madrid (Spain), March 2001
The Non-Abelian Born-Infeld Action and Brane plus Bulk supersymmetry in Ten Dimensions, two lectures given at the XXXVII Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physcis New Developments in Fundamental Interactions Theories, Karpacz (Poland), February 2001
Supersymmetry in Singular Spaces, talk given in December 2000, in the framework of the semester Supergravity, Superstrings and M-Theory, Paris, France
Introduction to String Theory, 3 lectures given in April 2000 in Lodz (Poland), in the framework of an Erasmus/Socrates exchange programme
Strings and Branes, course given as “Simons Lecturer” in December 1999, at the ITP, University of Stony Brook (USA)
Supersymmetry and Supergravity, 10 lectures given at the Graduate School (AIO/OIO) Theoretical High–Energy Physics, January 1999, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Branes and Superalgebras, 5 lectures given at the school Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification, January 1999, Leuven, Belgium
Properties of p-Branes, D-Branes and M-Branes, course given at the XXXIII Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, February 1997, Karpacz, Poland
Supersymmetry, Supergravity, Strings and General Extended Objects, course given at the 1997 AIO School on Theoretical High–Energy Physics, January 1997, Dalfsen (Ov.), The Netherlands
General Relativity and String Theory, a 2-week course given in the period September 30 - October 11, 1996, Leuven, Belgium
p–Branes: an Overview and Duality and the String Effective Action, 2 lectures presented at the school Recent Developments in Supersymmetric Field and String Theories, January 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
BRST Quantisation, course given at the 1994 AIO School on Theoretical High–Energy Physics and Related Problems, Dalfsen, The Netherlands
Extended Conformal Symmetries, course given at the XXVIII Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics, March 1992, Karpacz, Poland
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