
For a selection of some popular publications (newspapers, books, magazines, radio interviews), see The Volkskrant of December 3, 2005.

Scientific American of February 1998, see.

Interview by Hoe?Zo! Radio on April 12 2011, see

In april 2010 I was appointed as ‘Academiehoogleraar’ by the Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW). For an impression of the festivities in Groningen, see.

For that occasion I was also interviewed about my work, see.

For my contribution to Het Beste Idee van 2013 (in Dutch), see.

In 2016 I was interviewed on RTV Noord about the discovery of gravitational waves, see.

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Explaining gravitational waves on RTV Noord

Interview about my work

Academiehoogleraar\' by the Dutch Academy of Sciences